Friday, February 14, 2025

Sports’N’That Episode 1 Super Bowl LIII Special

Sports’N’That Episode 1 Super Bowl LIII Special

Welcome to the very first episode of the Sports’N’That Podcast, Super Bowl LIII Special. The 3 man team who love everything sport. With a broad knowledge of the sporting world and often conflicting opinions we aim to brighten up your commute to work or that long drive home.

In this pilot episode, we preview and breakdown all things Superbowl LIII. We will give you our guide to winning the Super Bowl followed by our predictions. Will it be a clash of the coaches, will defence prevail, only time will tell.

Our man Brewer delves deep in to Daryl’s dodgy Patriots hat to find out where his allegiance will lie and comes out smelling of roses, although he doesn’t really understand why. We attempt to make his first live NFL experience the biggest game of the year.

Get a feel for us and our character as we play you songs that we love each with a Super Bowl twist ! Who has the best song and reason for playing it? tell us below in the comments.

Super Bowl fever

Be sure to get in touch on our social media streams, we will be answering your questions and intergrating your opinions into the pod on a weekly basis.

Facebook : Sports’N’That
Instagram : Sportsnthat1 (Yes Sportsnthat was taken ! unbelievable)

Stay tuned for this weekly podcast, and keep up to date with everything that matters in the world of sport. I hope you all enjoy it guys.

For more like this, visit our dedicated Podcasts page here. Meanwhile, follow us on Facebook for more opinions and analysis right to your timeline.

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